Electronic Giving at St. John’s

School and family activities make us so very busy. Families are running in many directions with church, school, and social activities. Now would be a great time to consider Electronic Giving. By joining Electronic Giving you won't need to worry about how your church will pay its bills. You won't need to write a check or bring cash to church. You will have peace of mind knowing that your church is receiving your contribution, even if you are unable to attend. You will have the peace-of-mind knowing that St. John's is receiving your contributions.

All members will continue to receive envelopes, including envelopes for special collections (Christmas, Neighbors In Need, One Great Hour of Sharing, Advent, etc.). Regular collections will be taken each week as usual. EFT participants can mark "EFT" on the amount line of their envelope and place it in the collection plate as usual. If you do not currently use envelopes, please consider participating in either the envelope program or the new EFT program. St. John's needs your consistent support.

Contributions made to St. John's via Electronic Giving are transferred through the Automated Clearing House (ACH) Network by Vanco Services, LLC. The operating rules and guidelines governing the ACH Network are set by the National Automated Clearing House Association (NACHA). Vanco is a member of the Upper Midwest Automated Clearing House Association (UMACHA) and has over 15 years of experience processing ACH transactions.

 FAQs About Electronic Giving

  • It is an automatic transfer of your Regular Sunday, Mortgage and/or OCWM contribution(s) from your checking or savings account directly to St. John's checking account.

  • It reduces the number of checks you write and the church benefits from greater stability in contribution levels.

  • On the date you specify on your Authorization Form.

  • Participants will still receive contribution envelopes and you will still be able to place your contribution envelope in the collection plate. Just mark "EFT" on the amount line.

  • Just complete the Authorization Form and forward it to the church office.

  • Just complete a new Authorization Form and forward it to the church office.

  • It costs you nothing and it saves you time.